我們近幾年發現許多學生對於藝術,音樂治療等領域有高度的興趣,但是也發現大家不太了解藝術治療本身或是申請的條件等等. 這篇將會簡單概述一下藝術治療的定義,然後如何在英國成為專業的藝術治療師. 以及英國所認可的學校清單和申請條件. 讓大家可以初步了解自己的背景是否適合鑽研藝術治療.
根據台灣藝術治療學會提出的藝術治療定義:藝術治療是一種結合創造性藝術表達和心理治療的助人專業。藝術治療工作者提供一個安全而完善的空間,與案主建立互信的治療關係,案主在治療關係中,透過藝術媒材,從事視覺心象的創造性藝術表達,藉此心象表達,反映與統整個人的發展、能力、人格、興趣、意念、潛意識與內心的情感狀態。在治療關係中的表達經驗和 作品呈現出來的回饋,具有發展(成長)、預防、診斷和治療功能。個人情感、問題、潛能與潛意識在治療關係中被發掘與體悟,進而得以在治療關係中加以解決與處理,幫助個案達致自我瞭解、調和情緒、改善社會技能、提昇行為管理和問題解決的能力,促進自我轉變與成長、人格統整及潛能發展。
必須完成有Health and Care Professions Council所認證的英國碩士學位. Full-time的碩士學位平均需要兩年的時間完成. 若要攻讀藝術治療碩士,大學必須要有藝術或創作治療等學歷背景. 或者相關學歷例如心理系,護理或社工也可以申請.
需曾從事社區藝術活動或青年工作等志工活動又或是曾幫助過殘疾人士或心理健康治療等經驗. 英國相關的志工服務資訊可以透過local NHS trust或者Do it平台去尋找相關機會.
在開始進入相關產業時必須先在Health and Care Professions Council註冊,另外也可以加入British Association of Art Therapists取得許多專業發展和工作機會等資訊.

Goldsmiths, University of London
MA Art Psychotherapy
學術要求: second class standard in visual arts/design, or in a related/relevant area, or a professional qualification
語言要求: 7.0 with a 7.0 in writing and no element lower than 6.5
課程長度: 兩年
工作經驗要求: one year's full-time, or the equivalent in part-time hours, 1,500 hours' Experience of work in health, social services or education.
Experience of personal therapy
作品集要求: yes
Leeds Beckett University
MA Art Psychotherapy Practice
學術要求: Fine Art, Art Therapy, Humanities, Psychology, Social Sciences or Science. Professionals including Teachers, Social Workers, Nurses and others working in the caring professions will also be considered
語言要求: IELTS 7.0 with no skill below 6.5
課程長度: 兩年
工作經驗要求: pre-course experience in a field related to the caring professions
作品集要求: yes
Queen Margaret University
MSc Art Psychotherapy (International)
學術要求:Degrees in subjects such as psychology, social work, nursing, education etc
語言要求: IELTS 7.0 with no skill below 6.5
課程長度: 兩年
工作經驗要求: a minimum of one year’s full-time experience (or p/t equivalent) of work in a caring capacity or equivalent. Relevant care work includes: nursing assistant, project worker, arts instructor, care work in a community setting, art teaching, or facilitating art workshops
作品集要求: yes
Roehampton University
MA Art Psychotherapy
學術要求: a good degree (second class and above), usually in arts and design. Other disciplines such as psychology, teaching, nursing, the humanities, and graduate level professional qualifications in appropriate disciplines such as Occupational Therapy and Social Work are also considered.
語言要求: IELTS 7.0 with no skill below 6.5
課程長度: 兩年
工作經驗要求: will be expected to have appropriate clinical experience of having worked within the past five years within a setting and with clients relevant to the Programme.
作品集要求: yes
University of Chester
MA Art Therapy
學術要求: An undergraduate degree in art and design or other relevant subject
語言要求: IELTS 7.0 with no skill below 6.5
課程長度: 兩年
工作經驗要求: gained a minimum of one years' experience working within a care setting with clients relevant to the course. This can be either paid or voluntary work.作品集要求: yes
University of Derby
MA Art Therapy
學術要求: BA (Hons) Creative Expressive Therapies, a degree in the visual arts, or an undergraduate degree in other related areas, such as psychology, occupational therapy, social work, and nursing and have a sound current folio of artwork.
語言要求: IELTS 7.0 with no skill below 6.5
課程長度: 兩年
工作經驗要求: around one year's full time (or equivalent) relevant work experience which may be voluntary work
作品集要求: yes
University of Hertfordshire
MA Art Therapy
學術要求: Applicants should have an Honours Degree or its equivalent in Visual Arts, the Humanities,Education or a related field.
語言要求: IELTS score of 6.5.
課程長度: 兩年
工作經驗要求: a minimum of 1000 hours of relevant work experience in order to be eligible for the course
作品集要求: yes
University of Ulster
MSc Art Therapy
學術要求: an honours degree [2:2 or above], normally in visual arts (or psychology or allied area; or a relevant professional qualificiation e.g nursing, social work, teaching, medical etc')
語言要求: IELTS score of 6.5.
課程長度: 兩年
工作經驗要求: at least 1000 hours minimum work experience in a professionally relevant context e.g. mental health, health/social care, social services, education, counselling, or its equivalent. Paid or voluntary work is acceptable.
作品集要求: yes
UK National Careers Service
Health and Care Professions Council